Legal Notice

Disclosures pursuant to Section 5 Telemediengesetz (TMG; German Act on Broadcast Media)

Kirschäckerstraße 27
96052 Bamberg
Tel.: +49 951 20859-6
Fax: +49 951 20859-777

General Manager
Nadine Prill (CEO) & Daniel Weiskopf (CFO)

Company Headquarters
Bamberg, Germany

Authorized Representative:
Nadine Prill, Falko Schmidt

Commercial Registry Entry
District Court of Bamberg HRB 10571
Sales Tax Identification Number pursuant to Section 27a Umsatzsteuergesetz (UStG; German Sales Tax Act)

Responsible for the content of this website pursuant to German Telemedia Act
Nadine Prill

This website’s content was put together with the greatest of care. However, we cannot assume any liability in reference to this content being correct, complete, and up to date. As a service provider, we are responsible for our own content on this website pursuant to Section 7 (1) TMG and stipulated by law. However, pursuant to Sections 8 to 10 TMG, we as a service provider are not obliged to monitor transferred or stored third-party information or to research circumstances indicating an unlawful act. This does not affect the requirement to remove or block the usage of information stipulated by law. However, this liability only arises as and when the company becomes aware of a specific breach of the law. We will remove content immediately upon learning of any breaches of the law.

Third-Party Links
Our website contains links to third-party websites, over which we cannot exert any influence. As a result, we do not assume any liability for this third-party content. The respective provider or operator of the website is always responsible for content on linked websites. Linked websites were reviewed for potential breaches of the law at the time the link was published. No unlawful content was evident at the time the link was published. However, it is not possible to permanently monitor the content of linked websites without any specific indication of a breach of the law. We will remove the links in question immediately upon learning of any breaches of the law.

The content created by the operator of this website is subject to the copyright laws of the Federal Republic of Germany. It is not permitted to duplicate, edit, disclose, or otherwise make use of this content outside of the definition of copyright law without the express written permission of the respective author or creator. Downloads and copies of this content is only permitted for private use; commercial use is not permitted. Content not created by the operator of this website is subject to third-party copyright law. Third-party content is marked as such. Please inform us immediately if you discover a potential breach of copyright. We will remove content immediately upon learning of any breaches of the law.