A look behind the scenes of the 10th DOCUFY User Meeting 2019


175 participants, 10 intensive trainings and a theatrical journey through the 1000-year history of the city of Bamberg - all this has to be organized. The preparations for the 10th DOCUFY User Meeting from 04 to 06 June 2019 were already in full swing when I started as a working student at DOCUFY in April.

27. June 2019

XML Prague 2019 – A Review


What comes to your mind first when you think of Prague? Karlsbridge? Karel Gott? Goulash and beer? First of all we think of the meeting of XML disciples at XML-Prague. There are three days of concentrated input in the form of lectures and Meetups: On the Pre-Conference Day (7 February), various meetings of companies and organisations took place. Among others our partner AntennaHouse was present: there were news about the…

4. March 2019

XML Prague: 20 years of XML and CSS in detail


XML, short for Extensible Markup Language, - celebrates its birthday and DOCUFY celebrates, too! That's right, because we've both been around for 20 years now. Our declared goal then as now: To optimize editorial processes based on XML as a pioneer. Reason enough for us to travel to Prague from 8 to 10 February for the meeting of XML friends. There we not only met well-known people from the XML universe (Michael Kay from Saxonica, Tony Graham…

21. February 2018