
Content Delivery meets AI – Better answers to your search queries


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DOCUFY TopicPilot at Siemens Mobility – a success story


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“You aren’t getting in here”: The image check feature in DOCUFY COSIMA


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Evaluate design data, reduce production costs – Spühl GmbH relies on DOCUFY CAx Analytics to do this


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COSIMA Scripting: Achieve more with fewer clicks – from Excel to XML


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Titelbild: picjumbo

5 questions about DOCUFY Machine Safety


Interview partner: Hannes Ehrlich, former Product Manager DOCUFY Machine Safety What is DOCUFY Machine Safety and what can it do? DOCUFY Machine Safety is our specialist software for the compliant generation of risk assessments. It enables users to utilize all documented content right away by means of a sophisticated modularization concept. What are the advantages of DOCUFY Machine Safety for me and how does DOCUFY Machine Safety alter my everyday work? Because all content only has to be generated one…

29. July 2024

5 questions about DOCUFY Layouter


Interview partner: Holger Rath, Product Manager COSIMA and DOCUFY Layouter. What is DOCUFY Layouter and what can he do? DOCUFY Layouter is an easy-to-use cloud solution that allows editors to design their own output layouts. Once defined, layouts can be transferred to derived layouts via intelligent inheritance mechanisms. This not only ensures consistent, corporate design-compliant output, but also saves a lot of time and annoying coordination rounds. What benefits does…

8. July 2024

New in COSIMA: IGEL – the integrated callout editor

Explaining complex issues in a simple way - often a…





