door2parts Software

5 questions about the interactive spare parts catalog door2parts

Spare Parts Catalogue

In our "5 questions about..." series, we provide you with a compact insight into our solutions by briefly outlining the key functions and benefits. This time it's about the basic information on door2parts - the interactive spare parts catalog solution.

25. October 2024

New in COSIMA: IGEL – the integrated callout editor

DOCUFY Insights

Explaining complex issues in a simple way - often a very difficult task. Images can help illustrate what you want to say. Because you know: A picture says more than a thousand words! Especially in technical documentation graphics are used to put things in a nutshell. The reference of the graphics to the descriptive text is important. These references are created using item lines and/or item numbers, the so-called callouts. With COSIMA Release 7.0 you now have an integrated callout…

5. June 2024

Chiron and DOCUFY


DOCUFY has been around for 20 years. We have been a customer for almost half that time. This brief article is intended to show how we have fared. When mechanical engineers make documentation... We first made contact with the company from Bamberg in late 2008 when we were looking for a replacement for our existing content management system. At that time, XML-based systems were still in the development phase. DOCUFY’s first presentations won us over to the point that we…

14. May 2018

Dive into the cold water – with COSIMA go! Getting started completely without chattering teeth


Meister Strömungstechnik GmbH has been working with COSIMA go! since 2009. Based on the positive experience, it was soon became clear that the use of the CCMS would be expanded in the company. To this end, additional employees from different areas of the company are involved, who support the technical editing department.

8. March 2018

DOCUFY Layouter: create your own layouts


Imagine there is a change in corporate design at your company. Maybe the change is only a general attempt to optimize existing layouts. Maybe it entails a completely new corporate identity with a new logo and different colors. Or maybe your company has a new division that makes new products. Any change, no matter what kind, will have a direct impact on your technical documentation. The cover page needs to be redesigned, and the way headers and footers look will…

21. November 2017

A day in the life of an editorial department


In 2015, the SIEMENS AG Locomotive Documentation department wanted to introduce a Component Content Management System (CCMS) to optimize its editorial process and chose COSIMA go! from DOCUFY. In this article, system administrator Tobias Zieringer describes the introduction of the system: ... I had only just arrived in the office when my mobile rang. The sales department wanted to know when the documentation for our new customer would be ready, oh, and they needed replies to the review comments from…

4. April 2017

Making space for information


DOCUFY Guest post for the doctima blog Current trends like digitalization, industry 4.0, mobile computing, social selling and big data will influence the products of tomorrow and, ultimately, impact the future development of our entire society. Technical documentation is not immune to these changes, of course. On the contrary – information is increasingly becoming the lubricant of our digital world, and who is better placed to provide it than the technical documentation sector? It now has a…

9. February 2017

The most important department at the company


I have a dream: that technical documentation will become the most important department at a company. When I presented this dream during my opening speech at our 2016 DOCUFY User Meeting, the audience was exhilarated. But we all know what the reality of today’s documentation work looks like. The technical documentation department rarely has a lobby on the management board and is viewed by many as a mere cost factor that needs to be kept at a minimum. I remember…

23. August 2016