All posts from: Melanie Kunas

New in COSIMA: IGEL – the integrated callout editor


Explaining complex issues in a simple way - often a very difficult task. Images can help illustrate what you want to say. Because you know: A picture says more than a thousand words! Especially in technical documentation graphics are used to put things in a nutshell. The reference of the graphics to the descriptive text is important. These references are created using item lines and/or item numbers, the so-called callouts. With COSIMA Release 7.0 you now have an integrated callout…

5. June 2024

Content Delivery meets AI – Better answers to your search queries


Imagine that while driving a car, a red light comes on in the dashboard and a shrill warning tone sounds. Imagine further that you are not an automotive mechatronics technician and therefore do not know for sure what to do. That means: stop, look for the manual, scan the table of contents, flip back and forth, get mad. Or: you simply ask your car for the solution.

3. August 2023

Seamlessly Integrate Experts into the Editorial Process with COSIMA 9.5


Putting an end to data silos and media discontinuities in the editorial system: COSIMA Release 9.5 convinces users with the new web clients COSIMA Review Client and COSIMA Contribution Client, among others.

3. November 2022

News from DOCUFY Layouter


DOCUFY Layouter allows you to easily design output layouts yourself, save them, and customize them as desired. The new release now offers even more layout options.

15. February 2021

A look behind the scenes of the 10th DOCUFY User Meeting 2019


175 participants, 10 intensive trainings and a theatrical journey through the 1000-year history of the city of Bamberg - all this has to be organized. The preparations for the 10th DOCUFY User Meeting from 04 to 06 June 2019 were already in full swing when I started as a working student at DOCUFY in April.

27. June 2019

How will intelligent information shape our future?


The ii-Blog (intelligent information blog of tekom) has called for a blog parade. Topic: How will intelligent information shape our future? - Melanie Kunas from DOCUFY outlines her future scenarios. Robots that take on care tasks. Computers that write football match reports, trade stocks or clarify legal doubts - what sounded like a fantasy a few years ago has long since become reality. What happens next with Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics?  And what could my typical everyday life…

21. February 2019

COSIMA 7.0 or: How our Component Content Management System is now saving you even more time


Is there a technical writer out there who wouldn’t want to concentrate exclusively on content while the content management system takes care of all of the (annoying) details such as layout corrections as if by magic? The latest release of COSIMA 7.0, which we also presented at the tekom trade fair in Stuttgart, now makes it even easier to work with our software, namely with three new features: IGEL makes it possible to write on graphics: quickly and easily IGEL…

29. November 2017

DOCUFY Layouter: create your own layouts


Imagine there is a change in corporate design at your company. Maybe the change is only a general attempt to optimize existing layouts. Maybe it entails a completely new corporate identity with a new logo and different colors. Or maybe your company has a new division that makes new products. Any change, no matter what kind, will have a direct impact on your technical documentation. The cover page needs to be redesigned, and the way headers and footers look will…

21. November 2017